Monday, July 8, 2024

Tuesday Tales from the Word QUICK


Welcome to summer and July. Hope you're all enjoying the start of the second half of 2024. This week, the select authors who bring you Tuesday Tales are offering scenes built around the word prompt QUICK. Click on the author's name to see their post. Feel free to comment. We all love feedback. 

V.L. LOCEY (M/M Paranormal Romance)

“So, I was thinking…” I glanced up from counting the ones to Phil sitting so close to me I could feel the body head leaching through his Depeche Mode t-shirt.

 TRICIA ANDERSON (Greek god/Paranormal Romance)

“Jack’s eight legged friend.


A piece of bacon bobbed up and down as she pointed it at me.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (M/F Contemporary Paranormal Romance Suspense)

It’s better to disabuse them of that nonsense and set them straight right away.

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary)

“Oh, so you’re going to play it like that?”

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

“I had to get up. ‘Member, Momma…it’s my birthday today!”

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