Monday, February 3, 2025



Welcome! This week the Tuesday Tales authors are writing to the word prompt "child". Please stop in and visit each writer and read her story. Don't forget to leave a comment. We love comments! 

JEAN JOACHIM (Small Town Romance)

When Charlotte was a child, she lost her mother


“Ain’t the spirits talking their heads off at you?”

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

Among the dead were 10 Sisters and 90 children from St. Mary’s Orphans Asylum.


It sounds like the nesting dolls from hell.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Romance Suspense)

“You’re out of your ever-loving mind,” she ground out between clenched teeth, her eyes flashing fire.

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary Fantasy)

  "The girl grew up as a ward of her grandfather."  

Monday, January 27, 2025

Tuesday Tales from the Word Silly


Welcome to this week's edition of Tuesday Tales. Our word prompt is SILLY. Click on the author's name to find what they had in store for you today.  When you're done, return to this page and check out another author. Comments are always welcome. 

Jean Joachim (small town romance)

She noticed the other professors who would be presenting honors from different departments sat with their wives.

 Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)

She remembered his response when she suggested that they get one of the new bicycles’ women were starting to ride about town.

Tricia Andersen - (SciFi)

The balloon figure stomped an inflated foot and clenched its knots to its hips.

Flossie Benton Rogers (Cozy Mystery)

“I’m too antsy to stay inside.”

Jillian Chantal (Contemporary/fantasy)

 “Or is this like Halloween where we don’t listen to what Daddy says?”

Susanne Matthews (Romance Suspense) 

"People are shallow, I agree, and there is a lot of hate out there, but it can’t possibly have devolved to this level."

Monday, January 20, 2025

Tuesdat Tales: From the Word FRUIT

Hello! It's cold in my neck of the woods, but that doesn't stop us from bringing you the latest scenes from our current works in progress. Welcome to this week's edition of Tuesday Tales. Our word prompt is FRUIT. Click on the author's name to find what they had in store for you today.  When you're done, return to this page and check out another author. Comments are always welcome. 

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

“But you have this beautiful home now. Thanks to oil.”



When did something this terrifying turn her into the heroine in her favorite historical novel? 


JEAN JOACHIM (Small Town Romance)

That's where she got the nickname "Charlie".



Peering into the cart, she gave an irritated snort.


SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Romance Suspense)

“There’s no way they knew who would answer the call.”

Monday, January 13, 2025



   Welcome to Tuesday Tales where writers write to word prompts. We have lots of different stories every week. Different genres, but many of the stories continue for some week. Our excellent writers love it if you leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by. Here's what our writers have for you this week: 

JEAN JOACHIM (Historical Romance)
“Stop,” Becky said, struggling under the young woman’s iron grip.


For a moment his gaze rested on the darkness outside the window, before returning to me.


After what she witnessed tonight? No amount of camomile would settle her nerves. 

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

A twinge of jealousy shot though Cecile like a hot poker.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Romance/Suspense)

The child might not be his blood, but he loved him all the same.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Sunny


Happy New Year and welcome to the first Tuesday Tales of 2025! Each week, authors write story snippets to word prompts. Our word for this week is "sunny."

Please stop by and check out each snippet for all the Tuesday Tales authors. Happy reading!

Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)

William never even noticed that she hadn’t finished her thought.

Jillian Chantal (Fantasy)

“Ugh. I could sleep for two days.”

Susanne Matthews (Romance Suspense)

Maggie couldn’t fault him for doing the honorable thing, but damn, it had hurt then and still did.

Jean Joachim (Historical Romance)

“Oh? Who’s asking?”