Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Today the word prompt is "Gold". Click on the writer's name to go to their blog. Remember to return here to read more from all the Tuesday Tales authors.
Flossie Benton Rogers (Paranormal Romance)
A sucking sensation pulled at the region of her belly, and the resulting dizziness swamped her.
Joselyn Vaughn (Romantic Comedy)
Buck checked his watch like he had a schedule for today.
Susanne Matthews (Paranormal Suspense Romance)
He winked, scooping her up into his arms as if she were weightless, and carrying her over to the table.
Trisha Faye (Contemporary Romance)
“C’mon, Victoria, cut me some slack. I come bearing an olive branch.”
Jean Joachim (Sports Romance)
So much to buy. I forgot how expensive it is to set up an apartment.” She sighed.
“Let me help you. I can give you whatever you need.”
Iris Blobel (Contemporary Romance)
She sat down on the couch, her body slowly relaxing. “Oliver's never mentioned someone called Mat.”
V.L. Locey (M/M Historical Romance)
See, this is what I never understood about God . . .
Tricia Andersen (Steampunk Romance)
Gideon held the bottle up. “My love, I am going to make magic happen with this.”
She kissed him. “We have been making magic happen without it.”
Davee Jones (Contemporary Romance)
A simple gold band, nothing fancy, was all she ever wanted.
Tricia Andersen (Steampunk Romance)
Gideon held the bottle up. “My love, I am going to make magic happen with this.”
She kissed him. “We have been making magic happen without it.”
Davee Jones (Contemporary Romance)
A simple gold band, nothing fancy, was all she ever wanted.