Monday, August 27, 2018

Tuesday Tales – word prompt ‘funny’ #romance #amwriting #freereads #excerpt

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, the place for weekly FREE READS! Click on the author's name and go to their blog. When you finished reading, return and move on to the next one. The word prompt this week is ‘funny.’ Thank you for stopping by!

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)
The other members of the Council glanced at him with mixed looks of puzzlement and astonishment.

V.L. LOCEY (MM Hockey Romance)
Okay, so this was a first.

TRICIA ANDERSEN (Paranormal/Greek god romance)
He knew his true nature. He was used to bizarre things.

“Layers lie beneath the obvious.”

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary)
She shook her head. “No way."

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Historical Romance)
I doubt cannibalistic spirits or werewolves had anything to do with whatever scared him.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Picture Post Week!

Welcome! This week is picture prompt week. The writers can pick from any of these pictures for their story and the word count is limited to 300 words. Remember to click on each author's name and read all these great stories. Thanks for stopping by! 

V.L. Locey: MM Hockey Romance

I rapped on that pretty white door and waited out in the hallway like a gentleman.

 Tricia Andersenparanormal/Greek god romance.

One of these nights he was going to just let one of the buggers eat them instead of towing them out.

Trisha FayeHistorical Fiction

“You’re of age now to work for the community I understand,” the elder said, peering over the top of his spectacles.

Jillian Chantal: Contemporary

"You're good with scalpels but not with hedge clippers?" 

Flossie Benton Rogers (Paranormal)

 “Have you thought it through?”

Davee Jones: Contemporary

The sincere question became a quest without a map, starting in the dark with no light.

Jean Joachim: Small town romance

She held her breath as they went inside. 

Susanne Matthews: Historical Fiction 

“Okwaho will follow when he can. Those men smelled of death,” the Mohawk said, his nose wrinkled in disgust. 

Monday, August 13, 2018

August 13, 2018 Tuesday Tales: From the Word SOUR

Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tuesday Tales, the blog post where new books are born. Each week, the authors post a scene from their work in progress based on a specific word prompt. This week's word, SOUR, is open to all kind of interpretation. Check out each author's post to see how they've used the word. Comment on the individual posts and let us know how we did! 

TRISHA FAYE  (Historical Fiction)
After her fourteenth birthday, she was called to the Council of Brethren.

V.L. LOCEY  (MM Hockey Romance)
A week passed with me standing at that stupid window every morning, sipping black coffee strong enough to strip the paint off the side of your house, staring down at Shey Pierson meditating. 

TRICIA ANDERSEN  (Paranormal/Greek God Romance)
Systems shut down one by one as the plane fell from the sky.

JEAN JOACHIM:  (Small Town Romance)
Jackson Brody got out of the car

JILLIAN CHANTAL  (Contemporary Romance)
“Are you sure you want to consider the old Rigby mansion as a place to call home?” 

FLOSSIE BENTON ROGERS  (Paranormal Romance)
The shelves were lined with mysterious notions and potions.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS  (Historical Romance)
“I’ll not spend another minute in this godforsaken land waiting to die,” he said, his eyes wild and bulging.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Tuesday Tales - Word Prompt Restless


JEAN C. JOACHIM (Small Town Romance)
“Damn it, Charles, I told Aunt Mary to sell that monstrosity years ago!”  

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)
“But I don’t want to work in the kitchens. I don’t like to cook and bake all day.”

TRICIA ANDERSEN (Greek God/Paranormal Romance)

“Alright, beautiful,” she murmured. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

When charged, the crystal thrummed with power.
V.L. LOCEY (MM Hockey Romance)
"Hand to God, I did not go into that bar to start something."

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Historical Romance)
“Michaud has no reason to fear. Okwaho never misses.”