Welcome to Tuesday Tales! Our word prompt is "ghost" this week. Click on the author's name to go to their blog. Don't forget to return and read all the stories. Thanks for stopping by.
V.L. Locey (MM Hockey Romance)
Indigo laughed. A gentle breeze swept into the den, tickling the sheer curtains and carrying the aroma of river, flowers, and Indigo to me.
Davee Jones (Paranormal Romance)
Nausea overwhelmed him, coming in consistent waves.
Tricia Andersen (Paranormal/Greek God Romance)
“That was quick for the old man. Did he tell you that he hit on her?”
Jillian Chantal (Thriller)
It was down to me, Dawn and two guys I’d met earlier.
Susanne Matthews (Women's Fiction)
Progress never came without pain.
Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)
Goodness, it’s been twenty-eight years since Elias has been gone.
Flossie Benton Rogers (Paranormal Romance)
“I slumbered peacefully in my tomb. Why did you wake me?”
Flossie Benton Rogers (Paranormal Romance)
“I slumbered peacefully in my tomb. Why did you wake me?”