Monday, December 11, 2017


Welcome! These are the pictures our writers have chosen to write to. Each one is different. Click on the author's name to go to her blog. Don't forget to return and read all the stories. Thank you for stopping by.

JEAN C. JOACHIM (Women's Fiction)
  Before she went on this crazy internship three thousand miles away, when five o'clock rolled around, he’d turned his thoughts to Clare –wondered what she had made for dinner, and if she’d be up for sex after. 

V. L. LOCEY (MM Hockey Romance)
“Going to be hard to find a place to eat with a dog,” he pointed out.

TRISHA  FAYE (Historical Fiction)
“Women…” Al retorted but softened his response with a chuckle.

TRICIA ANDERSEN (Paranormal/Greek God Romance)

She vowed with a moan that she would love him until the day she died.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Women's Fiction)

 But I’d seen the interest in his blue eyes, and my stomach flip-flopped.

The train sped up the coastline, slowing down for whistle stops.

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary Romance)
As they didn't have much room in their apartment for a tree, they'd decorated the window that faced the parking lot of the complex.

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