Monday, September 16, 2024

Tuesday Tales: From the word BUSY

Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tales. The authors who are part of this group seek to entertain you by letting you be a part of our writing process. Each week, we post a scene from our current work in progress using a word prompt. This week's word prompt is BUSY. You can read each offering by clicking on the author's name. When you finish, come back for more. Consider leaving a comment. We love feedback. 


“I like you better.”



My brow furrowed, as I wondered what had gotten him het up.


JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary)

“You know what I miss?”

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (M/F Contemporary paranormal Romance Suspense)

“I’m tired and have the mother of all headaches.”


JEAN JOACHIM (Historical Sweet Romance)

“Good day, Sheriff. How be ye?”

Abiel nodded and removed his hat. “Fine, milady. Fine. How be yourself?”


TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

“But I want to see the Shirley Temple movie,” Faith whined.


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