Monday, August 19, 2024

Tuesday Tales from the word SWEAT

 Welcome to Tuesday Tales. We are a small group this week, but our scenes are sure to entertain. To see a post, click on the author's name. When you finish, come back to visit the others. Please comment. We love feedback. Our word prompt this week is SWEAT.

Jillian Chantal (Contemporary)

I shuddered at the expressions on both the mayor and Bethany’s faces, but their little plot had to be thwarted.

Tricia Andersen - SciFi 

“Is he cute?”

Susanne Matthews (M/F Contemporary Paranormal Romantic Suspense)

They ate in silence, if you could call the way Marina toyed with her food eating. 

Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)

 “Oh, I know it. Even as little garden as we put out this year, by the time I join Melvin at the store, I'm already a mess.”

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