Monday, August 12, 2024

Tuesday Tales: From the Word BURNED


Welcome to Tuesday Tales. We are a small group this week, but our scenes are sure to entertain. To see a post, click on the author's name. When you finish, come back to visit the others. Please comment. We love feedback. Our word prompt this week is BURNED.

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary)

 This was going to end up as a fiasco and it didn’t look like I’d be able to salvage it.


SUSANNE MATTHEWS (M/F Contemporary Paranormal Romance Suspense)

As if by magic, the tarnish vanished, leaving the handle shining as if it were new.

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

“After all,” Sarah continued, “you are the one who knows more about our little town than anyone else.”

JEAN JOACHIM (Historical Romance)

“She ain’t the only woman in this town!” Sam bolted up from his seat. 

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