Monday, June 10, 2024

Tuesday Tales: From the Word FLIMSY

Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tales. Our word prompt was FLIMSY. Find the posts by clicking on the author's name. Take time to check them all out and leave a comment if you can. We love feedback.

V.L. LOCEY (M/M Hockey Romance)

“Well look at you moving like a cheetah,” she said as I reached the check-in to smile down at her.


My stomach sank to my kneecaps.

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

“Good Lord gonna send you to that fiery place with lies like that coming out of your mouth!”


I already cataloged it and it’s shelved in your cubby space.


JEAN JOACHIM (MF Historical Romance)

“Oh, good. Duck for supper. Here, Sam,” Martha said, handing him a buttered corn muffin.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (M/F Contemporary Paranormal Romance Suspense)

The box was colder than anything he’d ever touched, and his fingertips showed signs of frostbite.

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