Monday, March 24, 2025



Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where we write stories using word prompts. Our word today is "RIDE." Click on the name of each author to read the free story snippet on her blog. Make sure to visit everyone. Writing is our passion, and comments make our day!


My brain was shooting in fifty million directions as usual. 

This extraterrestrial was playing her like a fiddle.

JEAN JOACHIM (Small Town Romance)
“I need a ride to town. Figured you wouldn’t mind.”
SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Romance / Suspense)
“That boat was barely moving. I want to know why.”

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary Fantasy)
 “I just got flipped off by a ghost.”

Monday, March 17, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Word Prompt "Sharp"


Welcome! This week we are writing to the word prompt "sharp". Find all the author's works on their blogs here so you can jump from author-to-author. Thanks for coming. Please leave comments. We love 'em!

JEAN JOACHIM (Small Town Romance)

“Does she go to school here?” the professor asked.

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

Sarah groaned with the thought of Charades.

JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary Fantasy)

  “Sadly, he was killed last night or yesterday afternoon.”  

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Romance Suspense)

As Kelly maneuvered the boat closer to the other one, the truth of what had happened slapped her.


That sounds a bit dramatic.


She waved a hand.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Tuesday Tales - From the prompt 'massive'


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! Each week, authors write story snippets to word prompts. Our word for this week is "massive."

Click on the name of each author to go to her blog and read the free story. Make sure to visit all the authors.

Thanks for your support!

Flossie Benton Rogers (Cozy Mystery)

I breathed a little easier.

Tricia Andersen (Sci Fi)

Then again, her morning was filled with all sorts of distractions such as a hangover and an alien living in her head.

Susanne Matthews (Romance Suspense)

Would seeing the murdered women remind her of her shooting and her vulnerability?

Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)

Cecile opened four quilts containing Bertha’s handiwork and pointed out the corner squares.


Monday, March 3, 2025


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week our writers are creating stories to the word prompt "White". Read all the stories, which are from a variety of genres. Please leave comments. Thanks for stopping by. 

Jean Joachim (small town romance)

 “You painting today or working on a new table?” he asked.

 Jillian Chantal (Contemporary/fantasy)

“Then maybe I’m not meant to be a nurse at all.”

Tricia Andersen (SciFi) 

Here it was. The moment of truth.

Susanne Matthews (Romance Suspense)

Highway H2O as they call the St Lawrence Seaway is 3700 km long. 

Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)

Bertha studiously tackled her new project with dedication and intent.



Monday, February 24, 2025



Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week our writers are creating stories to the word prompt "perfect". Read all the stories, which are from a variety of genres. Please leave comments. Thanks for stopping by. 

JEAN JOACHIM (Small Town Romance)

He would have remembered such a pretty name. 


There was no point to get a tardy on her employment record when she was hauled away to Area 51. Or worse, the looney bin.

SUSANNE MATTHEWS (Romance Suspense)

To paraphrase Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own, there was no crying in police work.

TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)

“Are you up for more hours spent in a chair stitching?”

Monday, February 17, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Slow


Welcome to the Tuesday Tales! Each week, authors write story snippets to word prompts. Our word for this week is "slow”.

Please stop by and check out each snippet for all the Tuesday Tales authors. Happy reading!

JILLIAN CHANTAL - Contemporary/Fantasy

“Let’s just agree to disagree.”  


That didn’t mean she wanted him in the bathroom with her to ask more questions.


It was burning a hole in my pocket, and I wanted to look at it. 

SUSANNE MATTHEWS - Romance Suspense

“You’re going to use her to bait a trap?”

TRISHA FAYE - Historical Fiction

“Mother? How come all of these quilts are so plain?”

Monday, February 10, 2025

Tuesday Tales - From the word 'heart'


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! Each week, authors write story snippets to word prompts. Our word for this week is "heart." An appropriate word choice for a week that has Valentine’s Day in it!

Click on the name of each author to go to her blog and read the free story. Make sure to visit all the authors.

Thanks for your support!

Flossie Benton Rogers (Cozy Mystery)

Next thing I knew, an icy zap pierced the base of my neck.

Tricia Andersen (Sci Fi)

She hit me with her shoe and shouted ‘bad kitty’ at me.

Susanne Matthews (Romance Suspense)

She straightened her back, and he didn’t miss the way she unclenched and clenched her fists.

Jillian Chantal (Fantasy/Contemporary)

“Has Chris left the station?”

Trisha Faye (Historical Fiction)

She rushed home and went straight upstairs to the trunk where she kept her fabrics and scraps.